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Creating a Fun Salon Environment

Going to the salon should feel like an escape. For some people, it’s the only time they have for self-care in their busy lives, and for others, it’s the day they look forward to most each month. For a stylist, going to work every day should be fun. Isn’t that why you joined the industry in the first place? 

If you’re looking for a way to make the salon experience more fun and relaxing for both you and your client, here’s a look at some methods that are sure to boost positivity in your space. 

Create a Vibe 

The first step in creating a fun salon environment is coming up with an aesthetic. Nobody wants to sit in a space with no personality while they get their hair done–and it’s not going to inspire you either. 

Whether it's coming up with a color scheme that matches your brand, investing in some cute decor or live plants, or experimenting with the perfect lighting, creating a vibe unique to your salon will be fun for you and anyone who walks through your doors. 

Look out for Your Fellow Stylists 

When there’s a positive workspace environment, you can almost feel it. You should feel content going into work every day and feel respected and cared for by the people you work with. If you notice it seems like one of your fellow stylists is having an off day, whether the outside world dragged itself to the salon or they had a particularly frustrating client, check-in with them. Look out for each other. A salon with stylists that support one another will radiate positivity that makes the overall environment of your space more positive. 


Asking someone if they would like a glass of water, a cup of coffee, or a soothing mug of tea usually elicits two feelings: either it makes you feel at home, or it makes you feel like you’re at a decadent spa getaway. Both options are exactly how you want your clients to feel in your salon. 


Drinks, and even snacks, show your clients that you care. Plus, if there are refreshments around for the stylists all day as well, you will have more energy to create that fun salon environment you’re looking for. 

Keep the Chaos to a Minimum 

Chaos, unfortunately, can be unavoidable, but if you take the steps that you are in control of to create a calm space, your clients and your mental state will thank you for it. The easiest way to do this? Keep things clean and organized. Walking into a neat and tidy room is a sure-fire way to bring the chaos meter down. And if you’re as organized as you can be, your day will feel much less hectic. That’s where the fun begins. 

Good Music 

It’s called mood music for a reason. Whether you’re looking for upbeat pop, lo-fi hip hop, or a soothing spa ambiance, the music you play in your salon should match your vibe and serve as another tool for your client’s salon escape. 

Be Honest and Communicative 

Fun is the antithesis of a few different things, but one of those things is drama. There will always be tough clients and tough days at the salon–that is something that no amount of positivity can think about. But if you walk into work each day ready to be honest and communicative with your clients, it’s more than likely that they will match that energy. 

Calming Scents

Speaking of matching a calming energy–one of our strongest senses linked to our emotions is smell. You may opt for a tropical room spray, fresh wall plug-ins, or even a therapeutic essential oil diffuser. Whatever you choose will serve as the perfect finishing touch in your salon escape. 

Take Care of Yourself

And last but not least, the most important step in creating a fun salon environment: taking care of yourself. No matter how hard you work or how badly you want to please your clients, your mental health needs to come first. Make a concrete effort to care for yourself. Take time out of your week that is just for you. Develop tools that make you feel like your best self. The people around you will notice and be inclined to do the same. And most importantly, it will make your day-to-day salon activities more fun for you.